As a handbag lover, after some years my handbag addiction grew and my collection too. Until a moment I could not fight against my “seller instinct” and I started to sell some items online at resale stores. During this process of buying and selling some items I realized it was impossible to find a website where I could achieve my expectations as buyer or seller, as the informations and pictures were always very poor and inconsistent. This was the great opportunity to make from my passion my job and I invested my entire heart and soul to found Designer Wish Bags.

Margareth – Founder Designer Wish Bags


–       The items are clearly described. You know exactly what you will receive.

–       Pictures of each detail including serial sticker and authenticity card. Nothing is hidden and all pictures are from the exact item you are going to receive.

–       Personalized customer service. Here every customer is VIP.

–       Only hand picked designer items from very good to pristine condition.

–       Double authentication process supported by brand experts and Entrupy Technology.

–       100% Authenticity Guarantee or your money back.